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Welcome to the Roeper School

I am sure you will come to learn, as I have, that this is a school like no other. Founded over 80 years ago, the principles on which Annemarie and George Roeper based the school’s transformative philosophy of education are as relevant and alive today as ever.
To lead the positive change we want to see in the world, we seek gifted students, those who have, in the Roepers’ words, the ability and the passion “to solve problems, to enter into experiences, to engage in deep and advanced thought, to study intensively specific problems, to generalize, to explore widely among divergent problems, to observe processes at work, and to produce creative results,” and we call upon them to be active participants in their own education, the life of the school, and of the world around it. 
Through our innovative, challenging, and engaging program, we strive every day at Roeper both to embrace, celebrate, and amplify the voices of thoughtful individuals, and to bring those individuals together to collaborate to create a more compassionate global community.  
As Head of School, I find excitement every day in the opportunity to interact with gifted students, faculty, and staff committed to the “cooperative adventure” of teaching and learning to change the world for the better. I know you will find that here too. 

Christopher Domenic Federico (he/him)

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  • About Christopher Federico

    Christopher (he/him) has been an educator and educational leader in both public and independent schools, with a particular focus on teaching gifted students, for over 25 years.
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Leadership Team

The Head of School is supported by a leadership team in administrating the day-to-day operations of the school.

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Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees is the guardian of the School’s mission and philosophy. It is organized on a non-stock, directorship basis under the Michigan Non-Profit Corporation Act and meets six times a year. It supports and is a resource to the Head of School and administration.

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  • Officers 2024-2025

    Alana Glass '97, Chair
    Assistant Dean, Michigan State University College of Law

    Christopher Federico, Ex-Officio
    Head of The Roeper School

    Kevin Carlson, At-Large
    Civil Rights Attorney

    Amy-Beth Fleischer, Vice Chair, Finance and Treasurer

    Kenny Miller, Secretary
    Vice President of Total Rewards, Ford Motor Co.

    Jameel M. Smith, PhD, LP, NCSP, Vice Chair, Administration
    Director of Psychotherapy Services- Child & Adolescent Division, Henry Ford Health Clinical Assistant Professor, Pediatrics, Wayne State University School of Medicine

  • Trustees 2024-2025

    Cheryl Blau '80
    Educational Consultant

    Andrew Blechman, Staff Trustee
    taff TrusteeMiddle/Upper School Faculty, The Roeper School

    Laura Castleman
    MD, MPH, MBA Obstetrician-Gynecologist/Public Health

    Joy Lawson Davis
    EdD DEI and Gifted Education Consultant

    Sujana Gundlapalli, Parent Trustee
    Invasive Cardiologist, Beaumont Hospital Ministrelli Women’s Heart Center Diversity Champion and Faculty, Oakland University Wm. Beaumont School of Medicine

    Kim Adams House
    Director of Global Licensing, Merchandise, and Multicultural Marketing, Stellantis

    Anna Kohn ’02, Alumni Trustee
    Reentry and Parole Team Lead, State Appellate Defender Office

    Mykolas Rambus ‘96

    Steven Scott ‘74
    Manager, Financial Services

    Roshan Shah ’25, Student Trustee 

    Jeff Stafeil
    Operating Partner, Atlas Holdings Private Equity Co

    Elisabeth Stayer ‘00, Staff Trustee
    Lower School Faculty, The Roeper School

    Anna Stuntz ’27, Student Trustee

    Beth Vens
    Senior Environmental Quality Analyst, EGLE

    Natasha Webster, Parent Trustee

    Julian Wong
    Artist, Roeper Parent
We empower gifted learners to be active and compassionate citizens of the world.

Bloomfield Campus

Lower School and Administrative Offices
41190 Woodward Ave Bloomfield Hills MI 48304
PHONE  248.203.7330

Birmingham Campus